What is eyelid stress?
Eyelid stress refers to the tension caused to the skin of the eyelids as a result of adverse environmental circumstances.
The skin of the eyelids is very thin and sensitive. The movable area of the eyelid is very elastic and is easily dehydrated, giving rise to a sensation of heaviness, highly bothersome tension.
Why does it occur?
This tension is caused by the dehydration of the eyelid skin. The sensation of fatigue may affect particularly contact lens wearers, people who spend a great deal of time in dry or polluted environments, people who have not had a good night’s sleep, etc.
Can the sensation of eyelid fatigue diminish?
Yes if the affected area is treated with suitable products that provide the skin with the moisturisation it needs.
Is an oil-free gel that contains hyaluronic acid and Dexpanthenol as substances that firm and moisturise the skin.
Properties of hyaluronic acid in the skin
Hyaluronic acid helps to maintain the skin’s structure and provides it with elasticity and flexibility. It eliminates eyelid stress and fatigue, providing an immediate sensation of relaxation.
Properties of Dexpanthenol
Dexpanthenol, or vitamin B5, reduces the symptoms of swelling in the eyelids and increases the sensation of comfort.
Roll-on applicator
This system produces two effects: a massage effect and a cold effect that help to activate microcirculation and fluid drainage.