
Available in 7-10 days
  • Monthly disposables
  • Air Optix
  • Multifocal Lens
  • Silicone Hydrogel
  • 14.20mm
  • 8.60mm
The shipment of the product is made exclusively with prepayment of the order. This item cannot be returned.

Product description

Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal are contact lenses designed to correct presbyopia, a condition that often occurs when aging. Alcon makes these monthly multifocal lenses from a silicone-hydrogel material with a high oxygen permeability. The material has a light blue colour for easy handling. This package contains 3 lenses.

Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal‘s con­tact lens material is designed to provide excellent comfort for a wearing period of 30 days. This is accomplished via HydraGlyde® Technology, which locks water in the lens making them feel pleasantly moist and comfortable at all times. This feature is especially good for users with sensitive eyes or dry eye syndrome.

Another advantage of these monthly multifocal lenses is the SmartShield® Technology. It creates a protective shield over surface of the lens to prevent dirt from settling. Deposits or contaminants are therefore less able to interfere with the comfort and durability of these lenses.

Air Optix plus HydraGlyde Multifocal are designed to allow a smooth transition between different optical zones. You’ll be able to switch between near, intermediate and far distances without any distortion, even when driving.

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